Beekeeping is becoming increasingly challenging as the climate becomes ever more unpredictable. We, as beekeepers, the carers of the bees, understand that we have to continually adapt to change and look after our bees accordingly with an awareness of all environmental aspects that may affect the safe habitat for our bees.
Organic and Natural
We currently use two organic treatments to help to control the varroa mites in our hives and non organic treatments when the honey is not being produced to insure there is no residues in the honey and would love to be all organic one day soon.
We believe in keeping things as natural as possible for the bees so we dip all our wood work on the hives in beeswax instead of paraffin wax, the beeswax is a by-product of the extraction process and only seems right to reuse this in the hives.
We also try to leave a full box of natural honey on the hives over winter to eliminate feeding of sugar syrups, it doesn’t seem right to us to take all their honey from them, instead we are taking honey that the hive doesn’t need for winter as we manage them in way that is sustainable for them and us.
With keeping things natural we also prefer and predominately use wooden honey frames and beeswax instead of plastic frames.